Starting Now is better than starting later

Archives: Marketing & Sales

Tips on gaining traction and getting clients

How much Word of mouth can you expect?

word of mouth is critical to reduce and facilitate your marketing cost. Are the people you are selling to are connected? If your clients are buying English lessons, it is not part of their core identity. If they are photographers, it is, so they are much more likely to spread the news.

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Embrace your Power users

The power users of your business are critical. They are your biggest fans (creating WOM) and create substantial revenue per user. Make sure your product/service allows them to thrive (Find them, embrace and empower them, and give them tools to operate). Inspired by Seth Godin’s Blog.

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The Real Price of a Free Trial

Offering a free trial is not really free for your potential clients. They pay a price in time, and emotional investment that will drive them to close a deal with you, instead of investing additional effort searching for an alternative from scratch.

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Where is there a scarcity element in your business?

Creating a Scarcity element is important while marketing and selling. If you do it well, you make your clients purchase now instead of delaying the decision. It does require some creativity, where can you create a feeling of scarcity in your offering, without making it look fake?

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